Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Question: For the sake of who was president, presidential candidates and members of Congress American work? for the benefit of America or Israel?

Posted by Erfin Syafrizal On 22:17 2 comments

Question: For the sake of who was president, presidential candidates and members of Congress American work? for the benefit of America or Israel?

Answer: most presidents, presidential candidates and members of Congress American works not for American interests but for the interests of israel

The reason: As long as they have received campaign money from American Jews and Israel, so if they are elected, they will work for the interests of Israel, not for the sake of America

Read :

US billionaire Sheldon Adelson in Israel as Romney talks Iran

Mogul and his wife will attend fundraiser on Monday that could pull in more than $1 million for Republican candidate’s campaign


they work only for the benefit of people who give money...

mereka bekerja hanya untuk kepentingan orang yang memberi uang...

Wars waged in America, largely due to pressure Israel. This war caused severe damage to the American economy.

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